
PANEK Rent a Car cars in car parks located at Airports

You can conveniently leave your car at the airport.

We would like to remind you that you will find dedicated places where you can leave PANEK Rent a Car cars in car parks located at Airports all over Poland. The parking spaces are specially marked with the PANEK logo and are located in convenient places near communication routes and entrances to the facilities. Leaving the car at the airport does not involve an additional fee, so the customer does not have to leave the car in a designated place and use Shuttle Buses or any other form of communication. After parking the rented car in a specially marked place, contact a PANEK Rent a Car employee to hand over the key and complete the formalities related to the return of the car. Similarly, when renting, the car is placed in a special parking place, thanks to which customers gain immediate access to the car without having to go to the service office.